Data Center
Seattle, WA
Data Center Equipment
- Two independent data centers, nearly 60,000 sq ft
- Power conditioning through N+1 UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and power backup
- N+1 redundant HVAC system using multiple units with backup units standing by
Redundant cable routing system - All Austin datacenters have gas fire prevention sytems
- Data center 1: Power backup provided by a 1.25MW generator being fed from a 4000 gallon diesel reservoir
- Data center 2: Power backup provided by a 2MW generator fed from a 5000 gallon diesel reservoir
- NOC (Network Operations Center) staffed with senior system technicians 24 x 7 x 365
- 100 Gigabit Ethernet Core Built in excess capacity across the network
- 100% uptime guarantee
- Up to10000 Mbps port, fully burstable
- 24×7 live closed circuit TV monitoring
- No outsider is allowed; Only internal systems and network administration staff have access
Dual factor Biometric security systems - Minimum six month recording of video and access logging
Administration and Support
- 24 x 7 Security, technical support, and remote hands on premises
- 24 x 7 Network monitoring
- Expertise with Windows and Linux platforms
- Expertise with multiple server configurations (VPN, Load balancing, Firewalls)
The E2 Difference
Trusted Relationships
Trusted Expertise
Trusted Infrastructure